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Friday, March 09, 2012

Faery House Gourd

I got to work on my faery house gourd today. I used the wood burner to add ferns, mushrooms, lady bugs, a butterfly, some acorns and some oak leaves to my house.  I need to make a chimney next.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Two Gourd Fairy Houses Work in Progress

Last Sunday I took gourds to the archery meeting and started working on 2 gourd fairy houses.  It was supposed to be just the one, but the first gourd I cut open had no seeds in it. Zip, zilch, nada. So I had to cut the second one open because I wanted to glue the gourd seeds like tiles around the windows I had cut into the gourd. Then yesterday the plan was to continue on the fairy houses with the wood burning tool, only yesterday was a mess and I never got to it. So today if the rain is done I'll try again. I want to work in front of the garage but it's a bit chilly out so we'll see.

Some gourds have a pretty silvery interior like this one.

This gourd had no seeds so I had to steal them from the one above.

Saturday, March 03, 2012

My Friend's Garden

My friend Jessica in Santa Ana is growing gourds this year.